TET Exam Results - Less Than 1% clear Teacher Eligibility Test

Less than one per cent of the candidates who took the first-ever Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) in July, managed to clear it. Before you jump to conclusions, the State government wants aspirants to take another shot at it to establish their credentials.

Over six lakh had attempted papers I and II of the TET Exam, which was conducted by the Teachers Recruitment Board (TRB), the results for which were announced on Saturday. The pass score in each paper was 60 per cent.

Out of 2,83,806 candidates across the State who took TET Paper I, only 1,735 cleared it. That works out to just 0.61 per cent of aspirants making the cut. The performance in Paper II was worse, with a 0.19 per cent pass rate (713 out of 3,83,616 candidates). Only 83 candidates cleared both the papers together.

For More Info About TET Exam Results at http://goo.gl/hsweX

Central Teacher Eligibility Test - CTET Exam 2012 Held on November 18

The CBSE conducts the CTET every year. Clearing the CTET has now become mandatory for a teacher's job in government run schools, after the RTE came into being.

For CTET-November 2012, candidates can apply online through CBSE website www.cbse.nic.in or www.ctet.nic.in till August 31, 2012.

The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has entrusted the responsibility of conducting the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Delhi.

Clearing the CTET has become mandatory for a teacher's job in government school, after the Right to Education (RTE) came into being.

This year, the CBSE will be conducting the C TET Exam held on November 18, applications for which will be available online from August 1 to 31.

The rationale for including the TET Exam as a minimum qualification for a person to be eligible for appointment as a teacher is that it would bring national standards and benchmark of teacher quality in the recruitment process and also induce teacher education institutions and students from these institutions to further improve their performance standards.

Schools under state governments will go by the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET). However, state governments can consider CTET scores for appointing teachers if they do not conduct a TET.

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Read more at: http://goo.gl/N6R8c

TET Exam Results Declare Only 4.35% Teachers Clear

Only 6,137 candidates of the 1.40 lakh candidates who appeared for Teachers’ Eligibility Test (TET) could clear the exam. This takes the result to 3.45% for the TET - for the primary section.

Ironically, majority of the candidates failed in language. Statistics provided by the officials in the state primary education department show that only 1.49% of candidates passed in language examination. In mathematics, around 14.78% students and in social science, around 7.83% of students passed the exam.

The TET exam was conducted on July 8, 2012. Academicians say, such low number of passing raises concerns of quality of education. “If such low number of students could clear the exam, what they were taught in primary teacher certificate (PTC) colleges is a matter of concern,” asked one of the senior academicians.

Students who have done a degree, diploma or certificate course in primary education are eligible to appear for the TET. Candidates who clear the TET become eligible to become teacher in primary school.

For More Info:- http://bit.ly/Qbh1nC

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